Eddie was walking home from school. As he came around a corner, he saw that the jewellery shop had been robbed. All the jewellery had taken…I read “The jewellery shop robbery”. It is about jewelry shop robberies and a boy story. One day, a boy Eddie came across locality of jewelry shop has been robbed. The robbers took all the jewelry. That night, Eddie and his mother watched about this news on TV. The reporter said that people on the street had seen the men get away in a red car, and Eddie said that he saw a red car parked outside the empty house next door, when he came home from school. And he has not seen this one here before. After dinner, Eddie went outside. He looked over at the house next door. It was dark and empty and the red car was still parked there. Eddie looked into empty house, the noise coming from there, then, Eddie saw looked two men sitting at a table. They were taking things out of a big black box. Eddie could see that it was jewelry. Eddie moved away from there, he run down the path and into his house. Eddie said “Mom! Call the police! The jewellery robbers are next door.” His mother called police, and police came to the house to take the robbers away. Police said to Eddie “you are going to make a good detective one day”, and Eddie said “I think I am, too.”
I think the book was written in British English.
Reilly, Carmel (2008). THE JEWELLERY SHOP ROBBERY, NELSON CENGAGE Learning (268/4799 words)
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