Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!
"Stop there! I am going to eat you up!"
I read The three billy goats gruff. It is seried Folk and fairy tale easy reader. It is a story about there billy goat brothers. Their names are Little Billy, Middle Billy, and Big Billy. One day, they decide to cross the bridge to eat the sweet grass on the other side, but there is only one problem. It means troll lives under it. When Little Billy starts across the bridge, he hears a cranky voice. Troll yells "stop there! I am going to eat you up!" Little Billy says "wait for my brother. He is bigger and much more delicious than I!" Next, Middle Billy starts across it, and hears a cranky voice again. Troll yells same words to Middle Billy. Middle Billy says "wait for my brother. He is bigger and much delicious than I!" Finally, Big Billy starts across it, and troll appears. Tross says "stop there! I am going to eat you up!", troll attacks him. But Big Billy have an idea. Big Billy pushes troll, and troll falls down a bridge to the river. Big Billy cleans up troll! So, the three billy goats gruff can eat the sweet grass on the other side.
I knew the story written in Japanese, and I read it when I was a child. Clomp sounds cute!lol
Findley, Violet (2009). The three billy goats gruff, Scholastic Prof Book Div (243/6012 words)
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