Four men are trapped in the forest. Heavy rain has turned the tracks into mud. The bridge across the river is broken.
The men looked at the broken bridge and the rushing water.
Pedro spoke first: 'How can we get back to base now?'

There are four men in this story. Manuel, Leon, Joe and Pedro are in the story. Leon is the boss of them. He is angry with Joe and Pedro because they are too late before they leave in the truck. Joe is always making troubles. He is a younger than Loen and he is clever, so he wants to be a boss. Later, Joe and Pedro are back. Joe is smiling when he is back. It makes Loen more angry. Joe and Pedro are hunting in the forest for two days. Hunting is not Joe's work, and they haven't time for hunting. The action makes Loen angry more and more. Loen says "the rain will start soon and then there will be mud everywhere." So they start to leave there. They go back satisfactorily at first. But the rain starts soon. Then, their car is stopped by the mud. Their wheel are turing round and round in the mud. After that, their can get away from the mud one way or another. But then a trouble is happened. A large branch fly up from under a wheel and it hits Leon's arm. Leon is hurt.
They are face a next trouble. The bridge crossed over the river is broken, so they can't across the river. We decide across the river to swim. But Loen is hurt. So Pedro back to the hill near the river to call to rescue. Few times later, a helicopter is coming and Loen is taken to the hospital. Manuel, Joe and Pedro are in the hospital too. Loen wakes up slowly. They are rescued! They are think they want to see the water! They are laughing each other.
Cox, Alwyn (1976). Dangerous Journey, Macmillan readers (332/6364 words)
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