My brother Adam and I are twins.
We look very similar, and people are always getting us mixed up.
But I'm going to do something about it!
I read Wait and see. It is about twins story. They look very similar, so, sometimes, their friends cannot tell them apart. One day, Zak have a plan which change his hair color. His hair is red insted of blond, and he thinks people will not mix up Adam and him. He is looking forward to see people's reaction. But it fall far short of expectations, because his sister laugh look at him, his mother opens her mouth and smiles, his father dropps his bag. Moreover, they have told someone that "wait and see." He doesn't know what to happen, and he hopes Adam won't be mad when he sees Zak. In dinner time, Zak stare at Adam. Zak's hair is the same color as Zak! They always have the same ideals! Everyone start to laugh, and their sister says "How about if I dye one of you back to blond."
After that Adam back to blond, their friends call him 'Blondie', and Zak is called 'Spike' because he looks like a hedgehog!
I took note of using British English in this book.For example, American English says "color", but British one says "colour". I learned new difference American and British English.
Wall, Julia(2007): Wait and see; Nelson Australia (235/2422 words)
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