
BR1-5: Bad Dog? Good Dog!

Yoon-Hee, and her brother Ji-Sung, go shopping.
Yoon-Hee takes har friend's dog, Dingo, for a walk, but Dingo doesn't want to go for a walk. What does he really want?
I read "Bad dog? Good dog! " It is a book was published in 2006 by FOUNDATIONS READING LIBRARY.

The story is about Yoon-Hee, her brother Ji-Sung and their friend's dog Dingo.
One day, their mother asks them to go shopping, but Ji-Sung don't do shopping, because he wants to play with his game.
But Yoon-Hee persuades him, they go shopping.
After a moment they see their friend, Farina. Yoon-Hee said "Do you want to come to the store with us?", but Farina says "Sorry, no.", because her dog has puppies. And then, a big dog comes over to them. His name is Dingo. Farina wants to take him, but she can't do it. Yoon-Hee decides to go shopping with him. They walkes to the store. Ji-Sung isn't happy, because he doesn't like dogs. Yoon-Hee is angry with her brother, and says "You and Dingo wait here. I'm going into the store." Ji-Sung and Dingo wait her in front of the store. Yoon-Hee comes back with brand-new meat, and she goes back into the store to buy the milk. Suddenly Dingo takes meat and runs down the street. Dingo doesn't stop, and runs away. Ji-Sung and Yoon-Hee run after Dingo.
Finally Dingo goes back his house, and he gives the meat to puppies. They eat the meat. Dingo feels happy. Ji-Sung says "You are a very bad dog.",and Yoon-Hee says "but you are a very good father!" 
 It was good story.

Wenger, Christopher (2006): Bad Dog? Good Dog!; FOUNDATIONS READING LIBRARY (281/4085 words)


My family tree

Kazuo is my father. Junko is my mother. Shotaro and Shinnosuke are my brothers. Shotaro is my oldest brother, and Shinnosuke is my second-oldest brother.
Shozo is my grand father and Hideko is my grand mother on the father's side. Takeru is my grand father and Toshiko is my grand mother on the mother's side.
My oldest brother will marry with Yumi. She is my sister-in-law.
Toshinari is my father's younger brother, and my uncle. Mayumi is my father's sister-in-law, and my aunt. Akira and Takeshi are their son, my father's nephews, and my cousin.
Ryusuke is my mother's younger brother, and my uncle. Miwa is my mother's sister- in-law, and my aunt.  (109/3804 words)


sleepover party!

March 16, 2012
I met friends Arisa and Seiko. They are from the same high school. We graduated Toryo high school two years ago, and we lived in high school's dormitory. Arisa and Seiko are from Aso. I met them after all this time. I was looking forward to meet them! The moment we met, our face changed into a smile, and we have got so much to talk each other.  I tentatively talked coming into my mind and I caught up on their news.
 We went to our high school in the afternoon, I could meet my homeroom teacher, he have not changed a bit. I like my teacher very much. Thanks to him, I could spend good my school life. I can't thank him enough.
 After we came out of the school, we went to AEON MALL KUMAMOTO to eat lunch and shopping by Arisa's driving. (We  usually call it CLAIR.) We ate Sushi, I like it.
 I had a pert-time job, so I had to wait them in my house while I work. Sorry~>< I finished my part-time job, we went to hot spring. It was good, and we went back my house, we kept talking over eating snacks. We can't stop it~! It is called "GIRLS TALK!" LOL
After a few moments, we felt asleep.
When it was morning, Arisa and Seiko went back each houses.
It was really good time!!

(235/3695 words)


went to Kumamoto castle

March. 12, 2012
I went to Kumamoto castle with my friends, Yuko, Mr.Mori, Mr.Matsumoto, Nayoung, Yejin, Monika, Bo Yo, Gareth, Chung, Shoo and another Shoo. Nayoung and Yejin are from Korea, Monika is from Poland, Gareth is from Burry, Bo Yo, Chung, Shoo and another Shoo are from China. 
We went there to see UME, because Yuko likes to see UME. I went and looked SAKURA, but I have never gone and looked UME until then.
It was sunny, but it was wind and very cold. When I had kept saying "It is cold!" in Japanese, Nayoung and Yejin said "Chua." It means it is cold in Korean. They taught me it. I have studied Korean for a year in KGU, when I was a first grade. But I don't have a class of Korean, so they are my Korean teacher now!^^LOL Bo Yo taught me it is cold in Chinese, but I forgot...>< After a moment we walked around Kumamoto castle and we felt hungry. So we went to "CHIKYUYA" to eat lunch. The specially food is big Kara age, but it sold out, so I ordered different thing, it was good. 

We finished eating lunch, some of us had ather plan and went back, some of us had no plan after it, we went to Karaoke. Furthermore, I had tea with Yuko and Rio.Yuko teach English in Kumamoto uni. now, so I talked about my classes in KGU and my part-time job. She gave me a good advice every time. I thank for her. I had a profitable time.  (261/3460 words)


BR1-4: The Evil Genie

Biff grows an apple in a bottle. But what is in the bottle she finds on a magic adventure. And what happens when she pulls out the cork?

The Evil Genie is a book in the Oxford  Reading Tree series. It is a Stage 8 book. 
Biff wanted try an experiment. One day, she put a bottle over a tiny apple. She wonder if the apple will grow in the bottle, she thought. After a long, long time the apple grew up! And her friend Nadim was amazed. He asked her a question "How did you get that in there?"  Then, suddenly the magic key began glow and the magic took the children into another adventure. The magic took them to a tiny island in the middle of the ocean. Floppy hates adventures. He is their dog. They looked for the sailing ship. After that they saw one ship. They all waves and shouted. The boat turned and cames towards them. The boat reached the island . There was a boy saling it.  His name is Kamar. He is looking for his father, Hasson. And said he would resucue them, so they climbed into the boat. Biff took the bottle and said, "It's very heavy, I wonder what's in it." They opened it. Then, something terrible happened. There was a loud bang and a cloud of smoke, an evil genie shou out. A evil genie was loked in the bottle by Hassan, so he hates Hassan. He puffed out his cheeks and blew very hard. The wind snapped off the mast. Big waves tossed th boat up and down. The boat was swept on to the shore. They were all wet, but nobody was hurt. The boat was broken. Then a man running towards them. He is Hassan, Kamar's father. Hassan told them that his ship had been wrecked on the island, so he lives in island. When they were talking, suddenly the evil genie appeared! But Floppy began to bark and snarl at the genie. The evil genie hates dogs.
The evil genie used his powers on the bird, and "Get the dog." he called.
The bird flew down, picked up Floppy in its claws.
 The magic took the children home. Can they save Floppy?
To be continued...

Hunt, R. & Brychta, A.(2001). The Evil Genie:Oxford University Press.

(389/3199 words)

last weekend

I went to Kumamoto University last Friday ,bacause my friend Aki-san invited me him circle party. I went there with my friend Kanoko and Fumisa. I enjoyed talking with exchange students around the world. But, I hardly talked with Korean exchange students. I knew Ye Jin and Na Young from Korea, because I met them since then. I could make new friends, Beck, Sim, Chung Young. They are from Korea, and they came to Japan this spring. I want to go somewhere with them. In Kumamoto uni., we ate BBQ, but I couldn't eat it enough. I want back home around nine o'clock. I had really good time. I want meet them again.
On last Saturday, I went to eat dinner with my friends in downtown. (126/2810 words)



 Henry and his 180-pound dog Mudge are best friend foerever. And in this eight book of their adventures, they make friends with a scruffy but lovable cat.
I read Henry and Mudge and the Happy cat. It is about the boy who is Henry, Henry's family and them dog Mudge. One day, the shabbiest cat was sitting on the steps. The cat had saggy belly, skinny legs, and fur that looked like mashed prunes. Henry's father carried the cat into the house. After that, the three of them watched as the cat drank three bowls of milk. The cat got decided to stay this house. Henry, Mudge and the cat got friendly soon. Mudge became like a the cat's mother. Mudge likes cat, and the cat likes Mudge too. But the family didin't want any pets, so they decided to posters to find a home for the cat. They put posters everywhere around town. Then one day there was a surprise. A police car parked in front of Henry 's house, and a police man rang Henry's bell. To tell the truth, the cat was lost, and the cat was police man's. The cat called Dave, and he took the cat home. When they ware gone, Henry and Mudge felt very sad. The naxt day a big box was on their porch, and the note on it said: TO MUDGE FROM DAVE. Inside box were thirty giant dog bones, and under those was a gold police badge! They became a happy!

Rylant, Cynthia(1994) : Henry and Mudge and the happy cat; Aladdin Paperbacks

(262/2684 words)


BR1-2: Wait and See

My brother Adam and I are twins.
We look very similar, and people are always getting us mixed up.
But I'm going to do something about it!

I read Wait and see. It is about twins story. They look very similar, so, sometimes, their friends cannot tell them apart. One day, Zak have a plan which change his hair color. His hair is red insted of blond, and he thinks people will not mix up Adam and him. He is looking forward to see people's reaction. But it fall far short of expectations, because his sister laugh look at him, his mother opens her mouth and smiles, his father dropps his bag. Moreover, they have told someone that "wait and see." He doesn't know what to happen, and he hopes Adam won't be mad when he sees Zak. In dinner time, Zak stare at Adam. Zak's hair is the same color as Zak! They always have the same ideals! Everyone start to laugh, and their sister says "How about if I dye one of you back to blond."
After that Adam back to blond, their friends call him 'Blondie', and Zak is called 'Spike' because he looks like a hedgehog!
I took note of using British English in this book.For example, American English says "color", but British one says "colour". I learned new difference American and British English.

Wall, Julia(2007): Wait and see; Nelson Australia (235/2422 words)


new combnation!

 I will introduce the bananapple. It is a combination a banana and an apple. It tastes very sweet. You peel the skin like a banana but inside is very hard like an apple. The outside color is yellow, and the inside is white. (43/2187 words)



March, 11. 2012
 Today, I went to downtown to eat Yakiniku with my Friends of EIBEI. First, I met Fumisa. We had a tea in Doutor and enjoyed window shopping. After that, we went to KUROBOUZU after we met in front of Daiei. The member were Fumisa, Ruka, Saki.H, Sakiko and I. I was looking forward it! I enjoyed eating and talking with my friend. It was really really good time! After we went out the shop, went to take Purikura and went to Karaoke. We were in Kareoke to catch last bus until the very last minute. I wanna go to eat dinner with friends again! (108/2144 words)


BR 1-1: Sara Says No!

"You're dishonest, Father!" says Sara. "You're cheating the customers! I don't want to work at the market!" 
"But you must work for me, Sara," says her father. "children must help their parents. That's life."
Sara Says No!
I read Sara says no! The book was written by Norman Whitney, It's a Macmillan Readers. It's about a daughter who is Sara and her father who is Mister Fruit story.  They are at the market and selling fresh fruit. Their fruit is cheap. Sara helps his father. Everybody likes Mister Fruit and his daughter. But Mister Fruit cheats their customers. So sara is angry, and she hopes to happen a miracle. Next day, in the market, Mister Fruit touched fruit, and fruit went off. He was sueprise, but Sara touched them, they are unchange.  After that, Sara is honest seller. Everyone belives her, and his father works in house, and says "That's life!"

Whitney, Norman.(1989). Sara says no!(156/2036 words)


April, 15. 2012
I went to the zoo with my friends, Yuko, Taiki, Tomo, Junko, Aki, Baba-chan, Sho who is from Taiwan, Sho who is from China and Anna from Poland.  I have known Yuko, Taiki and Tomo because they are my co-worker, but I met the first time another people. We met in front of Kengun Shop Street at 12:00. After that we went to Ezu park to eat lunch. We ate Italian which bought near the park is delicious. After lunch we went to the zoo.  There were cute animals, sleeping animals, running animals… and more! I like lion. Lion is very strong and cool! I think he is the king of beasts. I enjoyed seeing all animals, we enjoyed talking each other too! I had a good time! I want to meet them again. Next time, I want to speak in English. (145/1880 words)


March 5, 2012

Today, I had a training of part-time job from 17:00 to 18:00. I knew a method how to get ahead with my work.

After it, I talked with my fellow workers.  Then my senior staff said, "Please come a restaurant at my part-time job." Eri and I decided to go there on very short notice. (Eri is from Toryo high school, so we have known each other since then, and we are good friends. I am glad to work with her at same part time.) I couldn't wait for eating dinner, because I was too hungry.

 We reach there and enjoyed eating dinner. I was content to eat it. I want to go there again.(115/1735 words)


stay in my parents' home!

 From March 2 to March 4, I went my parents' home to see my family.  It had been about two months since I went back there. I live by myself now, and I had finals, so I didn't give something for valentine to my father and my brother. So I bought 31 ice cream. My brother came for me by car. My home town is the country. It takes a long time to go there, I think it takes about an hour and half to go there by car with taking highway. But I love my home town. Actually, I love my family!! When I was a high school student, I lived in dormitory, so I lived separately my family. At first, I got homesick... That takes me back.... 

 I had a good time there! I could help my mother and talk with my family. My mother cooked meals which was so delicious! I want to get much better at cooking like her.
 I have four dogs in my home. They are very pretty.

father Sander

children Shokichi and Robbin

mother Mone

 I want to go back my home again soon.(192/1620 words)


The eibei girls meeting!!

 I had a plan that meet my friends of university today. I can't meet them, because KGU is during spring vacation now. So I couldn't wait to see them! We got together front of Daiei in downtown. We ate Motsu nabe and enjoyed a variety of foods. After we go out of the restaurant, We took a Purikura!

Rio, Chiiko, Saki and I went to Karaoke after we broke up. We enjoyed Karaoke. Rio and Chiiko backed home. Saki stayed at my home, So Saki and I walked my home from downtown with talking.
I had fun! (98/1428 words)