Ray sees a guitar in the music store. He wants it for his birthday, but his father will not buy it for him. Ray buys the guitar. That is only the start of his problems.

I read The new guitar. It was published by Foundations reading library. It is a story about music. Ray wants to play the guitar with Eric's band. So, he has to buy the guitar to play with them. He want his father to buy the guitar for his birthday, but Eric thinks the guitar is not good. So, Eric and Ray's father stop Ray to buy it. His father can't buy it for Ray. Ray get a book about the guitar for his birthday. But he really wants the guitar. He decides to buy it with his money. Next day, he goes to the music store to buy the guitar. Finally he gets it! He goes to Eric's house, and he shows Eric the new guitar. Eric says "This isn't a good guitar." Ray becomes sad. Eric looks at Ray and says "Come on, Ray, let's make some music." Ray is very happy but he is not good at playing the guitar. But they have a good time. Ray is very exited. He jumps with his guitar. But he drops it, and his guitar is broken. He wants to fix it. And he doesn't want his parents to see the broken guitar. He put some things on the table to fix it. When he starts to fix the guitar, the cat jumps on the table. Some glue goes on the table, and the cat walks on the glue. He tries to stop the cat, but he drips the guitar and it breaks again. The cat jumps down and walks on the floor. The glue is everywhere. The floor is duty. He cannot clean the table and the floor. His parents come home. And his mother asks the table and the floor why is duty, his father asks the guitar why is broken. Ray says nothing because he is in trouble.
Wenger, Christopher(2006). The new guitar, Foundations reading library (352/12653 words)
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